Katrine Linda Mathilda Kielos, born 1983, polish roots, current occupation is as editor at the Swedish tabloid “Aftonbladet”; previously, she was the substitute editor-in-chief of “Dagens Arena” and frequent freelance writer of the Swedish tabloid “Expressen”; her was given a lot of attention in press because of her feminist and general-political analyses on her now shut-down blog; she has since been spotted in a number of publications, e.g. leftist journal “Arena”, SSU’s (Sweden’s social-democratic youth organization) membership journal “Frihet”, and in the syndicalist weekly “Arbetaren”; in addition, she is active within the social-democratic student’s union; Publications: Våldtäkt och romantik (Rape and Romance); Den grå vågen – Några tankar om en ny socialdemokrati (The Grey Wave – Thoughts on a New Social Democracy)