born 1967 in Lemberg / Lviv; 1983-1988 completed the Lviv Collage of Art named after L.Trush; 1991-1997 study Art Academy; the member of the international exibitions since 1988; personal
* 1990 Gallery "Artex", Lviv
* 1991 Stowarzyrzenie PAX, Radom, Poland
* 1992 Lviv Museum of Ukrainian Art
* 1993 Lviv Picture Gallery
* 1996 Gallery "Craynja Hala", Liulzk, Ukraine
* 1996 Maier Gallery, Rosenheim, Deutschland
* 1997 Gallery "Gerdan", Lviv
* 1999 Gallery "Gerdon", Lviv
The works of Lesia Kwyk are kept in the Lviv Museum of Ukrainian Art und Lviv Picture Gallery, Maier gallery in Germany and the private collections.